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News / Новости

Uzbekistan: March 15 – the international day of consumers’ rights protection

02/04/2017 15:22

On the occasion of this date there are being held meetings and enlightening events in all regions. There was organized a competition, named “I’m a young consumer”.


In Tashkent press conference devoted to the issues of expanding the direct dialogue with population, the role of public organizations in protecting the rights, freedom and legitimate interests of citizens was held by the Federation of organizations of consumers’ rights protection.

It was noted, that during past period of current year more than 300 meetings with population were held in all regions of our country by the organizations of federation. Measures are being taken for positive solution of imperfections and problems regarding: gas, drinking water and electricity supply, as well as on the sphere of trade, health care, and public transportation.

The admission of applications, suggestions and complaints are imposed in e-form via web site 65 consumers’ applications were received this year via this site. Requests are also accepted by hot line: 1091.

In order to organize direct and open dialogue with population in the second decade of each month, the leaders of the societies for protection of consumers’ rights lead meetings with citizens. In the Federation of organizations of consumers’ rights protection of the Republic of Karakalpakstan, regional and Tashkent city associations as well as in the district and city organizations were organized consultations “Dialog with consumer”.

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