Pearl of East: Your travel guide in Uzbekistan.

News / Новости

Uzbekistan: For the prosperity of the country

03/04/2017 15:28

In Uzbekistan, annually countrywide khashars are organized in March in order to meet national spring festival. And this year was not the exception, as more than 22 billion people took part in khashars.

As staff members of charitable fund of Uzbekistan “Mahalla” informed that during the days of khashars, improvement works were fulfilled on the area of more than 48 thousand hectares. 32 thousand kilometers of irrigation ditches and collectors were cleaned, were cleaned, as well as shrines and cemeteries were adjusted. Furthermore, the forming and whitening of approximately 22 million trees were held in these days. 24 million fruit and decorative trees, as well as 17 million flower seedlings were planted.

In connection with the upcoming celebration, number of cultural and social objects, business centers are planned to put in commission in the territories of mahallas.

In Uzbekistan March and April were announced as the months of improvement and beautifying.

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