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Uzbekistan: Job vacancies for skilled specialists

04/04/2017 15:30

Job placement of young specialists in Uzbekistan was enhanced on national level. Different arrangements are organized for this. Particularly “Day of career – 2017” is organized in the Djizak Polytechnic Institute.

On the arrangement with the participation of representatives of organizations, ventures and establishments, subjects of entrepreneurship, professors and graduates of the institute, it was noticed that constant attention which is devoted under the leadership of President tothe preparation of young skilled specialists and their job vacancies give ponderable results.

This year more than thousands of youth will graduate about 20 directions from the Djizak Polytechnic Institute. Prepared here personnel on specialties as engineer-mechanic, civil engineer, process planner is in high demand on republic ventures.

Sixty-one major regional ventures offer more than 500 vacancies on the arrangement.  Here about 300 young specialists made a job contract with ventures and subjects of entrepreneurship in the region of industry, construction and social services. 

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