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Uzbekistan: The ancient cities of Uzbekistan places of interest in Bukhara

07/04/2017 13:54

Poi Kalon Square – i.e., “minaret's pedestal”.

Holistic architectural ensemble, which includes Minaret and Mosque Kalyan as well Madrassah Miri-Arab.

Kalyan Minaret – built in 1127, is a massive round pillar, built of burned brick, ending by cylindrical lantern-like rotunda at the stalactitic crown. The pillar is of 46.5 meters in height, and diameter at the base of 9 m, basement lies at 10 metres of depth. It is lined by burned bricks. Drawings of ornamental belts are not repeated.


Samanids Mausoleum (IX-X). Founder of Samanids dynasty - Ismail Samani, who built the building over the grave of his father, and later he was buried there also. The Mausoleum is a cubic building covered spherical dome with no adornments. The whole mausoleum is assembled of burned square bricks, which were put vertically, or horizontally, or obliquely. During the day, at different tilt sunlight, pattern changes its image.


Chor-Minor (1807). Madrassah was built by rich Turcoman Hamid Niyazkul. Present days reached only the building of “Chartak” (darvoza-khona) consisting of four identical beautiful minarets - representing four of the ruling dynasty of Bukhara - Samanids, Sheybanids, Karahanids, Mangits. Between minarets is placed the big dome - the symbol of sky and the single god.


Ark. It is situated on a high piled up hill of 20 meters height, and it represents a closed polygon surrounded by giant wall with embattlement and wide front entrance, decorated with two column-like towers. Ark was the residence of rulers; it housed mint, treasury, and prison.


Madrassah Nodir Devon Beqi (XVII). It was built as a caravanserai, and during its ceremonial opening by Imam Kulihan it was declared as madrassah. It was not rebuilt. Therefore, the building has no ayvan, no domed dars-khona (classrooms) - they role served corners of room. On its facade are depicted living fantastic creatures, birds, animals, and the sun with a human face.


Bolo-Howse Mosque (XVII – XX). The beautiful mosque with multi-columns ayvan, miniature minaret near the stone paved pond, served as cathedral mosque and used for performance of quintuple Mohammedan prayers. Emir of Bukhara in solemn days came down here from the Ark on the road, covered with carpets. The mosque with a large dome, built in 1712, rooms and hudzhra were built in the XIX century, ayvan (terrace with 20 columns) located near the minaret - built in 1915 - 1917 biennium by national masters of Buhara Usto Shirin and Usto Hafizov.


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