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Uzbekistan: The ancient cities of Uzbekistan Khiva – the museum under the open sky

11/04/2017 14:01

Ichan – Kala (the inner city) is the oldest part of Khiva city, the area of 26 hectares, surrounded from every quarter by walls, a height of 7 - 8 m, and a width at the base of 5 - 6 m, the length of the walls approximately of 2,2 km, with 4 gates. To the north is the gate Bogcha-Darvaza, east - Palvan-Darvoza, in the south Tash-Darvaza, and in the west - Ata-Darvoza.

 Kalta Minor (1851 – 1855). It was intended to become the largest minaret in Central Asia, if it had been completed: the base diameter of 14.2 m its height would be reached 70 m. Construction stopped due to death of Muhammad Alim Khan. The Minaret which height reached 28 meters was called “Kalta” (short).


Juma Mosque (XVIII). Home City mosque for mass Friday prayers. The roof of the mosque with three sky-light traps is supported by 212 columns, 25 of them are very old (X-XVI centuries). The building reproduces a rare Central Asian type of archaic multi-column mosque. In fact, it's just a wooden canopy over the square. Entrance gate of the mosque is considered one of the masterpieces of woodcarving in Khorezm.



Kunya-Ark. “City in the city” – it is the name of Ichan-Kala citadel, where the Palace, Judgment seat, Mint, Chancellery, and mosques were placed; here was ground for the training of troops, with the place of execution in the center.

Towering above fortifications the bastion Akshih-Bobo was designed for patrol service and for the storage of gunpowder. Dominating over the whole of Khiva it represents up to now the place with a splendid panoramic view of the city.


Pakhlavan Makhmud Mausoleum (1835). Pakhlavan Makhmud (1247-1326) - poet and thinker, a philosopher and professional fighter. His strength and courage made up the legend. He had a profession which earned for the living. He was a furrier and made coats. After his death, his friends entombed him in his workplace, which later became a mausoleum.


 Islam Kho’dja Madrassah (1910). It is impossible to imagine Khiva without the madrassah and minarets of Islam Kho’dja (1908), erected between completely built-up area of Ichan-Kala centre. Madrassah is small - in the centre of the facade rises portal with bunk arched loggias on either side, and small turrets - guldasta at the corners. In the design generously introduced majolica strips and timbrels. Islam Khoja minaret dominates the composition not only the centre of Itchan-Kala, but also Khiva and all over. Its height is of 45 meters, and diameter at the base of 9.5 m.

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